

Just a quick update on my next talks:

1) Seacon 2010, HH, June 28

Pecha Kucha "The Why and How of Kanban"

2) it-agile, Munich, July 2, Opening Unconference
Pecha Kucha "Unsere reise ins agile Land"

3) Lean, Agile & Scrum, Zurich, September 7
"Enterprise Kanban at", Session 45 minutes, together w/ Stefan Roock
I am quite proud on this one: Second time I'm talking in the context of the Poppendieck's, Henrik Knieberg is there and it's a very small and very high quality conference.

4) Lean & Kanban 2010, Antwerp, September 23 - 24
"Enterprise Kanban at" 
I am  - again - very proud to be part of this, have a look at the program: David Anderson (unfortunately in parallel to me, Al Shalloway, John Seddon, again the Poppendiecks, Karl Scotland etc - blush!)

Additionally, I am currently submitting talks for:
LESS 2010, October 17-20, Helsinki, Finland
XP-Days Germany 2010 (one on my own, one with Roman Pichler, one with Bernd Schiffer)
OOP 2011 (as above)

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